

时间: 2016/07/14   作者:   点击:
序号 论文名称 发表刊物及时间 收录情况 影响因子 作者 排名
1 Analysis of chlorogenic acids in beverages prepared from Chinese health foods and investigation, in vitro, of effects on glucose absorption in cultured Caco-2 cells FOOD CHEMISTRY.2008,1081):369-373, SCI  3.07 王 征 第1
2 Profiling the chlorogenic acids of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) from China FOOD CHEMISTRY.2008,1061):147-152 SCI  3.07 王 征 第1
3 A leaky mutation in DWARF4 reveals an antagonistic role of brassinosteroid in the inhibition of root growth by jasmonate in Arabidopsis Plant Physiol 2009,151(3): 1412-1420 SCI 6.11 任春梅 1
4 Negative Regulation of Systemic Acpuired Resistance by Replication Factor C Subunit3in Arabidopsis Plant Physiology, 2009,150: 2009-2017 SCI 6.11 夏石头 1
5 Pressurized liquid extraction of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) with bioethanol: An efficient and sustainable approach. Journal of Chromatography A, 2011,12185765-5773 SCI 4.194 胡家金,肖浪涛 第1
6 Phylogenetic analysis and classification of the Brassica rapa SET-domain protein family BMC Plant Biology, 2011,11:175 SCI 4.09 黄勇 第1     
7 Overexpression of Transcription Factor OsWR2 Regulates Wax and Cutin Biosynthesis in Rice and Enhances its Tolerance to Water Deficit Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,2013, DOI: 10.1007/s11105-013-0687-8 SCI 5.319 周小云,陈信波 第1,通讯
8 Sequencing, De Novo Assembly, Annotation and SSR and SNP Detection of Sabaigrass (Eulaliopsis binata) Transcriptome Genomics,2013,102(1):.57-62 SCI 3.01 陈信波,邹冬生 通讯,通讯
9 Dietary L-glutamine supplementation improves pregnancy outcome in mice infected with type-2 porcine circovirus Amino Acids (2013) 45:479–488 SCI 3.914 方俊 通讯作者
10 Comparison of expression systems for the extracellular production of mannanase Man23 originated from Bacillus subtilis B23 Microb Cell Fact, 2013, 12: 78-84.  SCI 3.552 周海燕        吴永尧(通讯)  第1
11 Functional conservation and divergence of J-domain-containing ZUO1/ZRF orthologs throughout evolution.  Planta, 2014年6月 SCI 3.367 陈东红 第1
12 Expression profile in rice panicle: insights into heat response mechanism at reproductive stage PLOS ONE, 2012,7(11): e49652 SCI 4.092 张先文、陈信波 第1,通讯